Loose Diamonds and Certification

Certified loose diamonds can come in all shapes and sizes. If you are not quite sure what this term means, then allow me to inform you: Loose diamonds are certified when they come with documentation stating all of the attributes the diamond possesses, any treatments the diamond has withstood and authenticity of the origins and export of the diamond. All of these requirements come together to make sure you know exactly what you are getting and to make sure the diamond is legally distributed through a diamond retailer. Without this certification, your diamond could potentially be a blood diamond or a diamond that was purchased on the black market illegally.

It could have even been exported from a foreign country to support their rebellions and vicious civil wars. The last thing you want in your life is to know that you helped some horrible people in the world raise money to buy guns for their extremist ways. Always ask your jeweler for this certificate. It may cost just a little more because you know the precise quality of your diamond, but it is worth it. There should be a big red flagged waived if you are told the diamond has no certificate.