Birthstone Jewelry: Good Luck or Pretty?

Birthstone jewelry has been around since ancient times, yet the beginning of the stones is unclear. With meaning and beauty, these stones signify a month in which one is born. The Aztec and Incas believed that birthstones contained curative powers and that they can deliver peace in the afterlife. Many believe the origin of the stones comes from Tibetan culture thousands of years ago and they are known as mythical birthstones. There are many different categories of birthstones.  The modern birthstone was developed in 1912 by jewelers. They felt the need to categorize stones according to months instead of astrological assignment. Astrological assignment was according the signs of the zodiac. It was believed that the signs gave insight into everyone’s daily life. Describing varying qualities and personality according to the day one was born, the Zodiac sign carries with it an astrological symbol and gemstone representing it.  Many people will wear their birthstone in jewelry as a good luck charm. Forms of birthstone jewelry include rings, necklaces and pendants. Charms are also very poplar and many mothers are known to wear a birthstone charm for each of her children.

Each birthstone signifies certain characteristics. They are as follows:

January: Garnet - safe travel
February: Amethyst - courage
March: Aquamarine - health
April: Diamond - love
May: Emerald - fertility
June: Pearl - purity
July: Ruby - protection against evil
August: Period - strength
September: Sapphire - protection against poison
October: Opal - confidence
November - Topaz - affection
December: Turquoise - fortune

Wearing a birthstone is believed to be good luck in many cultures.