Learn the Basics of Loose Diamonds Right Now

Are you familiar with the four C's affiliated with loose diamonds? If you are planning on buying any sort of diamond jewelry in the future, you should certainly take a minute to educate yourself on the lovely certified loose diamonds your local jeweler has for sale.

Cut- The individual cut of the stone refers to not only its overall shape, but also has everything to do with the facets cut into the stone. These facets are what make the diamond sparkle and should be perfectly symmetrical.

Color- Some people think that all white diamonds are the same. Wrong! Most white loose diamonds have traces of brown or yellow inside of them. This may take away from their

Clarity- The clarity of a diamond has to do with the number of imperfections in the stone. Since diamonds are formed within the earth, often they get some battle wounds on their way to the earth's surface. The more damage, the less valuable the stone.

Carat Weight- The carat weight of loose diamonds refers to how much it weighs. With every other C remaining constant, the value of the stone will increase as the carat weight increases.
value, but are not necessarily noticeable to the naked eye.