Proposing With Diamond Engagement Rings - The Real Deal

When it comes time for a man to propose marriage to his wonderful girlfriend, he may have an incredibly different idea of how to ask her to marry him than women do. He may think that by purchasing a diamond engagement ring and asking her to get hitched while sitting on the couch is the most romantic way ever, while she is daydreaming about something romantic on the beach. There is no doubt men and women have different classification systems for romance, so let us help you pop the question without epically failing.

First of all, it probably is not a good idea to propose in front of thousands of people with a microphone in your hand. Romantic? No. If she is not the type of woman who likes all eyes on her, she will feel mortified and never forgive you for it!

Make sure you have an actual diamond engagement ring. If finances are tough right now, wait for the right time! Although it seems like a great idea to give her a plastic twenty-five cent ring from the gumball machine, she may not think that you are serious if you have not spent the time (or money) on an actual ring.

For some reason, the movies we see on the big screen have told us it is acceptable to hide the ring in her food or drink. Does it seem reasonable for you to put a very expensive piece of fine jewelry in some mashed potatoes? What if she hid that designer watch you have been ogling in a cheeseburger? Yummy. There is nothing like trying to get ketchup and mustard out of every single crevice of the jewelry. Romantic? No. Treat her diamond engagement ring with respect!

Probably the worst way you could ever propose is with an old engagement ring from an ex! What on earth makes you think this is ok? Would you accept her ex-husband's wedding ring? I didn't think so.

The last way you should not propose is via text, email or phone call. This is a very special time and deserves to be treated like an actual, real life event! That is not too much to ask for, guys. Buy a diamond engagement ring, read this article, then go to her in person and ask her to be your wife. You are better than a text message and so is she! 

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